Sandhills ATC Training Center
(Southern Pines, NC)
The Sandhills ATC Training Center is where clients both begin the program (Phase I) and, after completion of the Induction Phase (Phase II) in either the Greater Charlotte or Fayetteville areas, return to complete the requirements for graduation (Phase III). The Training Center is designed for clients to continue growing in their relationships with God, each other, and family members. While enrolled in the third and final phase of the program, clients will continue group therapy sessions and complete the Breaking Free, Preparing for Success, and Intimacy with a Purpose series. They will also meet with their counselors regularly and begin working on an exit strategy to ensure success. During this phase, opportunities to enroll in Sandhills Community College (tuition free) and earn credits toward a certificate or degree are possible. Those without a high school diploma will be automatically enrolled into our GED program. Phase III is about preparing for life outside of Adult & Teen Challenge.