Kash’s Story
“I am thankful to be here.”
“I am thankful to be here.”
I was tired, exhausted, worn out and no longer had anymore fight left in me. I thought the only way out of this hell “was to die.”
“I’ve learned that I have a purpose.”
“[Jesus] can truly set you free.”
“I got my family back.”
“Through Christ, I’m here.”
Nicholas Hunt, a United States Marine Corps veteran, shares his story about finding freedom at Sandhills Adult & Teen Challenge.
“I no longer had an identity as a failure”
“I’m Rebuilding Relationships”
Our mission is to provide individuals freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1701
Southern Pines, NC 28388
(910) 947-2944